Tuesday, March 28, 2006

More Stuff for Randy

Hey Cuz,
i hope you like these. i would to print these on a billboard scale somehwere, some day.


Chickahominy River

This is the Chickahominy River about 1 mile from our house. this is the river where Captain John Smith met Pocahontas. He was fishing and his lure got tangled up in the bushes. Pocahontas had to help him. they fell in love with each other soon after. Pocahontas is Chickahominy for "Help the pitiful white man" or something like that.


Russell Edwards

I thought some of you guys would appreciate this photograph.

I think it was taken in 1999.


Friday, March 24, 2006

Artwork for Randy

hello all,

here are some computer aided doodles i've been working on. just incase you were wondering about my fancy smancy art school education. here's what i can do!



we had a couple of NASCAR heros in our office today! that was weird.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Arizona '96

this was taken on my 2nd cross country trip. the arizona landscape has this, "don't mess with me" feel about it.


More Christmas Photos

this is mazie's tut tu that her great grandmother made for. she loves it. thank you Polly.

here's vivian geting ready to go out into the cold. vivian does not like the cold.


Thursday, March 02, 2006

Front Yard

hey y'all,

the top photo was taken last summer. Vivian has much more personality now.
the photo below is my office.

gotta go!
