Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Pics From Our Halloween Party

Mazie was a "mean ugly" witch which was later reduced to "realistic" witch. She is shown here with her magic poof wand.

Vivian Faye was a fierce lion. Are you scared?

Both girls ate their weight in candy and then went home and went right to "sleep".

Friday, May 11, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's day to Brandi, Grandma and Nana!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Mazie's Photoshoot

Mazie tried to get Mommy and Daddy to hold still but we wouldn't. She's getting pretty good with color, composition AND lighting.

10 Toed Leopard Bunny

I almost forgot this "Easter" photo.

Belated Easter Photos

I know this will not go over well with most, if not all, grandparents... But we have no nice Easter photos to share. Grandma provided wonderful dresses and our camera went on digital vacation.

This is all we have from easter - maybe we'll get the girls to wear their dresses and hats on another Sunday.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Brandi!

Today Brandi is 29, Yay!

This is a photo of us in the near future.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Spring Time in Charles City

Spring is my favorite time of the year. WOO!

All of the trees and flowers are blooming and getting ready to pollenate everything.

I heard recently that the pollen count in Georgia has increased by like 800% since last spring. Goodness!

i hope that isn't going to be the case for Virginia.

Brandi and i are "planning to, think about, getting ready for" a garden this summer. it's a big time commitment especially when our farm helpers are 2 and 4 years old.

anyhoo, we may get some tomatoes and spinach from the ordeal - mmmm spinach.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Princess Party!

We threw a Princess Party for Lucy, Vivian and Mazie (all born within a week of each other) and it was fun. After a game of pin the horn on the unicorn the Princess Squad and the lone Sir Simon (age 3 who was completely surrounded by the Princesses) had cake and ice cream.

Later, we tried to suppress their sugar high with dinner and sleepy time.

Today, Vivian is 2 and Mazie is 4.

Happy Birthday Girls!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Moi Milky Pease!

Vivian Faye Gunn
age 1 year, 11 months.

Rainbow Flower

Anna Mazie Gunn
age: 2 years, 11 months.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Dad!

I remember my dad best on the football field. He always had his shirt tucked in, whistle around his neck and a baseball cap bearing the name of our team pressing down on his thick dark hair. Everyone listened when Coach Gunn was talking, partly because he was so big, but mostly because he treated us like young men. He had arms like oak trees, calves the size of footballs and his back was broad like a billboard. When he talked everyone listened. My dad coached us in football and baseball. He took us to the batting cages and even built a tackling dummy machine in our back yard for us to practice, while other kids were watching TV and playing video games.

My dad spent as much time with us as he could, especially while working around the house. He has taught Kye and me how to work hard every day. I believe he really tried to do for us what his dad couldn't or wouldn't do for him. His dad wouldn't watch him play high school football games - even though he was a star athlete.

Now that i have kids of my own i understand completely the importance of spending time with them and being a big part of their lives.

Thanks Dad. Happy Birthday!

Monday, January 22, 2007

More photos from Thanksgiving

nana? where's your hat?

minus the airport-like security staff, the atlanta aquarium was nice. dad was upset because they wouldn't let him bring in his rod and reel. i don't think that whale shark would fit above the fireplace and it probrably tastes like salty catfish.

oh, if you haven't already, check out our tv show website:


click on the 2 minute trailer and see a preview, we have complete episodes on the way.


Oh, Happy New Year!

shady characters in the shade.
wait, is that ricky bobby or cousin brent?

i know it's late for a new year greeting...

here are some photos from last year i thought y'all might enjoy.

we are doing fine thank you very much:
Brandi is preparing her brain for med school which may be a couple of years into the future
and i'm getting ready to lay out by the pool as soon as she becomes a doctor. and i might
home-school the girls (in the fine art of swan dives and cannon balls) if Brandi makes it to doctor-hood? you probrably think i'm joking...