Thursday, February 23, 2006

Russell Gunn

i just found this sketch of my dad from about 10 years ago.
i thought y'all might appreciate it.

the sketch was drawn from a photograph taken around 1990, i think we were playing ball and Kye took this close up photo while dad was making a funny face.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Panama City's Finest

here they are... The Gunn family South.

i am proud of Robbie and Scott for building their own house.
i wonder who's the manager of this project.
i'm also wondering about whether or not the living room will have room for a basketball court.

i can't wait to visit!


Monday, February 20, 2006

Happy Birthday Dad!

my dad turned 57 yesterday. don't let his boyish nature fool you about his age.

mazie and i worked on some art work to celebrate Poppy's birthday.

happy birthday dad!


Christmas 2005

Now that we are almost through February, i have decided to share a couple of Christmas photos from our trip to see Brandi's Mi Mi and Pop Pop we had a nice time eating out and enjoying the sunshine. i regret not taking a photograph of Pop Pop's arrowhead collection to share with y'all.

I'm pretty sure these photos are too dark, sorry. at top we are shown huddled around the big table at Denny's. From left to right: Vivian, myself, Katie, Pop Pop, Mi Mi, Chip, Judy, Pete and Mazie. For my side of the family, Chip is Katie's brother, Judy is Chip's wife. Get it? we'll have a quiz later.

we had a good Christmas down south. Pete and Katie drove about 20,000 miles from Michigan to Savannah in like 5 hours, they were driving a Cadiliac.
