Thursday, June 29, 2006

Back from Michigan

We are back from Michigan. We had a good time up there looking around at stuff. It's awesome in the summer. This area will be buried with 6 feet of snow this winter. This is Grandma and Grandpa's house - ain't it cute? Pete and Katy live in a great "mature" suburb about a mile from downtown. Traverse City looks like something Norman Rockwell would paint minus the airport.

I'll post more photos soon. The week we got back from vacation, my job "let me go". As soon as i'm at or near a fast computer i'll post more photos from our vacation.

I am glad Cousin Joe is home!


Friday, June 09, 2006

Memorial Day Part 3

Vivian is still a big eater.

Pete was a swinging Mazie in the hammock at John's house while Vivian tasted the flowers.
Beep! beep! Ben's got the keys to the van. Oh boy.


Memorial Day Part 2

Okay where were we? Yes, more photos!

This is the big cyprus tree we pass on the boardwalk to the river.

Brandi's glowing! That's not really the sun behind her.

I'm a lucky guy to have these hard working gals in my family. they picked about 4 pounds of cherries. Brandi climbed pretty high into the tree and scared all the blackbirds away.

we had a sweet Memorial day weekend picking cherries and working in the garden. Mazie helped me stack a stone wall in the back yard. a cook out at our friend John's house brought our holiday weekend to a close and allowed me to return to work on tuesday rested, refreshed and ready to not return to work.
